It’s been cold just about everywhere this winter, even here in Santa Fe where the stingy Snow Gods have finally relented and answered our prayers for moisture. The mountains peaks in all directions are the whitest I’ve seen them in years, which is great for skiers now and for farmers later. As much as I enjoy their beauty, I have to steal away from time to time to do the work I love as much as the mountains – visiting with groups around the country.

I apologize for being a bit tardy posting my schedule (one of these events is now history, as you will see). My excuse is that I’ve been putting the finishing touches on a book for Island Press that should be released next fall (more on that in months to come). But there’s still plenty of action ahead, and more importantly, there’s still a lot of schedule to fill. Looking for a speaker on food issues or a workshop on food policy? I’ve even been known to take requests. Who knows, I just might be the right guy for the job. I hope to see you in your town!


Little Rock, Arkansas – January 24 – Southern SAWG Conference. Workshop for food system leaders from the Southeast Region.  Sponsored by the Center for a Livable Future, Southern SAWG, and Community Food Strategies.

Buies Creek, North Carolina – February 9. Campbell University. Giving keynote at the Rural Food Access Summit sponsored by Campbell University. For more information contact Kate Thomas at

New York, New York – February 28. City University of New York Urban Food Policy Institute. Presenting at the Practicing Food Democracy public forum. For more information contact Dr. Rositsa Illieva at

Albany, Georgia – March 6 & 7 – Participating in a retreat to consider the intersection of food, art, culture, and equity.

Cumberland, Maryland – April 12 – Speaking at the Western Maryland Food Council Summit Our Food, Our Future. Allegheny College. For more information contact William Lantz at