I was delighted to hear that Skagit County, Washington has decided to indulge in a community reading event that features my first book Closing the Food Gap as part of their October Food Day observances. Not only does this decision reflect the county’s good taste in literature, it demonstrates how a whole community can pause for a moment, contemplate the challenges and injustices in our food system, and hold a big conversation that may very well lead to action. I’m honored to play a part in that process. For more information on “Skagit Reads Closing the Food Gap” go to http://www.foodday.org/bplwa/skagit_reads_closing_the_food_gap
In other Food Day news, Dartmouth University has invited me to speak on October 20th as part of their week-long Food Day activities. This of course gives me an opportunity to hang with the smartest people in New England (if Harvard or Yale invite me to speak, I may modify my opinion). Just as important, however, a Dartmouth appearance will allow me to visit the world famous Hanover Food Coop which has done some courageous work in bringing healthy and affordable food to some economically challenged rural communities (see my June 2013 Food Coop blog at https://www.markwinne.com/food-coops-a-faith-renewed/).
And lastly, it looks like my unquenchable craving for really good kimchee will once again be realized by way of a visit to South Korea in September. I’ve been invited to present to the 2014 International Local Food Conference being held in Seoul from September 25th to 27th. Details, websites, and other particulars will be forthcoming, but I’m looking forward to reconnecting with some wonderful Korean colleagues as well as that country’s very vital local food movement.
Oh, and if there are any other New England or New York colleges or universities that want a shot at being the smartest people in their region, I still have an open date or two during Food Day week. You have the number.